原标题:东盟 - 中国创新与知识产权商业化论坛
2018年9月3日,由新加坡知识产权局(IPOS)与中国国家知识产权局(SIPO)联合举办的“东盟 - 中国创新与知识产权商业化论坛”,聚集的知识产权专家包括了中国知识产权法律从业者、政策制定者、商界及学术界的领袖等,他们将一起热烈讨论中国对人工智能(AI)这股转变未来经济增长的力量的接纳以及在考虑开发新市场的过程,当下的创新中国公司如何将其知识产权战略融入于企业发展战略中等课题。
Innovation has been seen as key to the next phase of growth for many major economies including China, and it was for this reason that innovation remains at the heart of China’s economy as it transits from high-speed growth to high-quality development. Governments in ASEAN have also increasingly focused on growing knowledge and innovation based industries, and leveraging on smart nation initiatives to improve the lives of their citizens.
In this half-day seminar jointly organised by IPOS and SIPO, gain insights from a panel of experts including Chinese IP legal practitioners, policy makers, business leaders and academia on
(i) how China is embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI), an important innovation of modern times in empowering and transforming future economic growth; and
(ii) how innovative Chinese companies of the day are aligning their IP strategy with corporate development strategy as they look to venture overseas to explore new markets and investments.
(i) 中国对人工智能(AI)这股转变未来经济增长的力量的接纳;及
(ii) 在考虑开发新市场的过程,当下的创新中国公司如何将其知识产权战略融入于企业发展战略中。
Programme Outline 节目时间表
(In the event of unforeseen circumstances, details of the seminar may be subject to change)
编辑:IPRdaily赵珍 校对:IPRdaily纵横君
(英文官网:iprdaily.com 中文官网:iprdaily.cn)
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