12 月 21 日,诺基亚在官网发布声明,称将在美国和德国对苹果公司提起诉讼,指控后者的产品侵犯了自己的多项专利。
这笔诉讼涉及显示屏、用户界面、软件、天线、芯片组和视频编码等 32 项专利,目前已递交德国的杜塞尔多夫、曼海姆、慕尼黑地方法庭以及美国的德克萨斯州东区法庭。
诺基亚专利部门负责人 Ilkka Rahnasto 在声明中表示:
诺基亚在声明中称,自 2011 年与苹果达成协议后,苹果同意从诺基亚的专利组合中获取一部分专利的授权,但拒绝后者提出的获取其他专利发明授权的要求。这些没有获得诺基亚授权的专利,却被使用在苹果公司的产品中。
苹果表示,诺基亚的手机业务呈现颓势,所以开始将专利转移至第三方专利行使公司,通过这些专利行使公司收取的高额专利费用来获取暴利。这样的做法严重破坏了 FRAND(Fair,Reasonable,and Non-Discriminatory Terms)准则,即公平、合理和不带歧视性的条款。
(图片来自:The Verge)
光说不练假把式,苹果近日还对 Acacia Research 和 Conversant Intellectual Property Management 两家第三方专利行使公司提起了诉讼,指控其涉嫌与诺基亚联手“敲诈”不合理的专利授权费用。
2009 年 10 月,诺基亚向美国特拉华州联邦地方法院起诉,指控苹果侵犯其与 GSM、UMTS 和 WLAN 相关的多项基础技术专利。随后,苹果也针对专利问题向诺基亚“反击”。2011 年,在耗时近两年的“斡旋”之后,诺基亚与苹果终于就专利侵权纠纷达成全面和解。
尽管双方并未透露具体的数字,但分析师称苹果将一次性向诺基亚支付约 4.2 亿欧元的赔偿金,并将根据销量分季度向诺基亚支付后续专利使用费。根据当年的销量估算,苹果将每季度为此支出 9500 万欧元,并且随着 iPhone 销量的增长,这笔费用也会增加。
(图片来自:Village Of Bel-Ridge)
2013 年,诺基亚与三星达成约束性仲裁协议。该协议将解决双方从 2014 年开始的 5 年内的专利补偿费用问题;2015 年,诺基亚以相似的方式与另一韩国手机巨头 LG 达成协议,后者也将向诺基亚缴纳高额的专利授权费。
同样的事情还发生在 HTC 身上。诺基亚曾在 2012 年起诉 HTC,称其在全球范围内侵犯了自己多达 45 项专利。这起诉讼当然也以 HTC 向诺基亚交钱告终。
据统计,诺基亚将在 2016 至 2018 年获得与已和解或者正在仲裁专利案件的费用,预计将至少达到 13 亿欧元,包括苹果、三星、HTC、微软、黑莓、LG、索尼、摩托罗拉、华为等在内的约 40 家公司都需要向诺基亚缴纳专利授权费。
(图片来自:IBTimes UK)
从上个世纪 80 年代开始,诺基亚就开始在手机和通信领域发力。根据国家知识产权局的统计数据,早在 1987 年 3 月,诺基亚就已经开始申请专利。截至 2014 年 11 月 26 日,诺基亚的检索总量为 12121 件(条),诺基亚公布的发明数量为 3955 件,发明授权数为 3647 件,实用新型数为 33 件,外观设计数为 1042 件。
更形象点来描述,诺基亚已获得的专利授权数量是苹果的 7 倍、HTC 的 8 倍,对比国内,是魅族的 910 倍。
尽管历经出售风波,但诺基亚目前仍持有约 3 万项专利,覆盖 2G、3G、4G 等移动通信技术领域,是当之无愧的“手机专利大触”。
(图片来自:Digital Trends)
中国政法大学知识产权法研究中心特约研究员李俊慧表示,在未来的几年内,诺基亚至少有 400 多项与手机相关的发明专利会陆续失效,其中,2016 年有 94 项,2017 年有 113 项,2018 年有 149 项。预计最快 10 年,诺基亚手里的手机专利将会“一文不值”,届时,“专利流氓”可能就不能再用这个武器来“劫路”了。
今年 1 月,诺基亚宣布与阿尔卡特-朗讯合并,寄希望于后者在网络服务领域创收。但根据诺基亚公布的 2016 年第三季度财报,公司第三季度营收 59.5 亿欧元,同比下降 7%。其中网络设备营收下降了 12% 至 53.2 亿欧元。此外,帮助公司重组、把诺基亚从手机制造商转型成为网络设备公司的首席财务官 Timo Ihamuotila,也将离开诺基亚。
Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent have launched a major legal attack on Apple, filing lawsuits in Germany and the US that accuse Apple of infringing 32 patents.
According to Nokia's statement, the patents cover technologies that include display, user interface, software, antenna, chipsets, and video coding. The US lawsuit includes 10 patents and was filed in federal court in East Texas, a venue that's long been favored by patent owners. Most of the patents originated at Nokia, but at least one originated at Lucent Technologies. Nokia agreed to buy Alcatel Lucent in 2015 and completed the deal last year.
The new lawsuit (PDF) appears to be a major revival of the patent battles Apple and Nokia fought between 2009 and 2011. Back then, the two companies were also engaged in litigation that spanned the globe. All that was put to rest with a settlement in 2011, which analysts estimated at the time may have been worth hundreds of millions of euros to Nokia. Despite those payments, Nokia said in a statement today that Apple refused to license "other of its patented inventions which are used by many of Apple's products."
Of course, that might be because Nokia didn't offer them as part of the 2011 settlement package. Some Nokia patents were distributed to so-called "patent trolls," also called patent assertion companies or PAEs. Those PAEs include Acacia Research Corp., a branch of which won a $22.1 million verdict against Apple in June.
"Nokia has created or contributed to many of the fundamental technologies used in today's mobile devices, including Apple products," said Nokia patent chief Ilkka Rahnastoin a statement. "After several years of negotiations trying to reach agreement to cover Apple's use of these patents, we are now taking action to defend our rights.
The Nokia lawsuit accuses every version of iPhone—from the iPhone 7 all the way back to the iPhone 3GS—of infringing Nokia patents. Also accused are iPad Pro and every version of iPad Air and iPad Mini, as well as the Apple Watch, Apple TV, and services like Find My iPhone and Find my iPad.
As one example, Nokia says that US Patent No. 6,701,294, which it acquired from Alcatel-Lucent, is infringed by Apple's Siri feature in iOS 10. "Apple's Siri acts as an intelligent personal assistant in conjunction with the user interface... of Apple mobile devices," the complaint states. The Siri-using products have a "translator unit," an "evaluator unit" and an "interrogator unit for querying said one or more prescribed databases," and a "supplier unit" to give information to the user. In Nokia's view, the Apple "supplier unit" consists of "the Siri program, including the Apple device, wireless connections, and backend servers."
Nokia's business has gone through dramatic ups and downs since its earlier dispute with Apple. Nokia sold its phone business to Microsoft in 2014. But Microsoft struggled and ultimately exited the smartphone sector anyway earlier this year, taking a final write-down on the $7.1 billion Nokia purchase and laying off up to 1,850 workers.
Earlier this month, Nokia announced plans to get back into the smartphone business with Android-powered phones that will be on the market next year.
Just yesterday, Apple filed an antitrust lawsuit (PDF) against Nokia in federal court in San Jose. In it, Apple accused the Finnish company of transferring "massive numbers of patents" to patent assertion companies like Acacia. Nokia reached a deal with "each of its PAE co-conspirators" to separately enforce a diffused patent portfolio, "to maximize the aggregate royalties that can be extracted from product companies," Apple lawyers allege. "Nokia and those PAEs have thereby increased market power and created or enhanced monopoly power associated with those patents."
Apple claims that Nokia's strategy of working with PAEs to stack up big royalty payments is a violation of US antitrust laws, as well as a breach of contract. The breach of contract claim says that Nokia violated its commitments to license certain standard-essential patents on a FRAND (fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory) basis.
英文新闻来源:Ars Technica
编辑:IPRdaily.cn 赵珍
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