缅甸,即缅甸联邦共和国,位于亚洲东南部,近年来,中缅贸易发展迅速,投资合作方式多元化,中国已成为缅甸最大的贸易伙伴。在商品服务出口缅甸前,中国企业因为知识产权保护意识的提升,纷纷提前布局缅甸商标注册,然而,缅甸尚未加入巴黎公约、马德里协定及其议定书,更无商标法正式实施。如何在这样的国家保护自己的商标权利?针对众多企业的困惑,宁海在缅甸的合作伙伴Ho Vinh Thinh律师为我们解答了几个常见问题:
答:原文Up to now, there is still no legislation in Myanmar giving a proprietary right to a mark upon registration and regulating the use and enforcement of trademark in Myanmar. However, in practice, trademarks are registered under the Registration Act by filing a Declaration of Ownership [Trademark Declaration]. Such registered Trademark Declaration is considered as "Registration". The "Registration" alone does not give the declarant (registrant) the right to ownership. The first use and development of economic value of the trademark are important consideration. However, registration provides the declarant with the corroborative evidence of use if action has to be taken in the courts of law regarding ownership. In addition, the registration is a relevant evidence for purpose of determining the date since which the declarant had intended to claim his trademark.
答:原文For the registration of trademark in Myanmar, the following documents are required:
a Power of Attorney needs to be notarized and diplomatically attested at the Myanmar Embassy or Consulate in your country as well. Please be very noted that the both requirements by the notarization and consulate are required .
the Declaration of Ownership needs only the signature of the responsible official of the applicant who signed on the Power of Attorney.
答:原文To define the registration of trademark, the Myanmar Registry will endorse the Declaration with the trademark registration number and granting date and return it to the trademark owner. The Myanmar Registry does not issue a certificate of trademark registration.Normally, the average time from filing up to the registration will be about [3] month.
答:原文Cautionary notice.The registration is not complete solution to protect of trademark in Myanmar. So, the publication of Trademark Cautionary Notice in local newspaper should be done after the registration of trademark. The purpose of publishing a Cautionary Notice is to inform the public about the registration and claim to ownership and warning against the potential infringement. In addition, the publication of a Cautionary Notice is necessary since the Registry Office does not allow searches by third parties, therefore the only way for the public to know about the trademark ownership are through Cautionary Notice. The publication of Cautionary Notice together with registration will strengthen the trademark ownership in case disputes or passing-off action. However, the publication of a Cautionary Notice is NOT mandatory by any law. It is an established practice in Myanmar.
The estimated cost for publishing a Cautionary Notice depends on kind of newspaper on which the Cautionary Notice is to be published and the size of the space required.
答:原文Please be informed that the search report is our private search only, not issued officially. Our private searches were conducted based on publication of the Cautionary Notices in all daily newspaper and most of the journals, which is updated from 1982 until now. So, such private searches are only helpful to the trademark owners up to an extent of trustworthy decision on whether to proceed with the application for registration of a subject mark by the established fact that registered trademarks are usually followed by publication of the Cautionary Notice in the local English newspapers. However, the publication of Cautionary Notice is not compulsory by any law in Myanmar. That is why the private searches cannot guarantee the registrability of searched trademarks. Therefore, the private searches are considered as relative ground before the filing.
答:原文Although indeed, the renewal is the re-registration of trademark and there is no statutory requirements for renewal, we normally suggest the client to use the “Declaration of Ownership for renewal of trademark” which includes the information of the previous registrations three years ago in order to protect effectively their trademark rights in case of dispute, infringement, passing off before the court.
● 综上,缅甸本身商标法律法规存在缺陷,商标权难以得到完善的保护,商标所有人就应更加重视,在缅甸正式实施商标法前,采用当地的通行惯例,穷尽可行的方式,注册登记加报刊刊登,每三年追加续展及报刊刊登,尽可能全面地保护商标权利。
来源:品牌优生 编辑:品牌优生