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About us Rouse is a leading global IP consultancy that provides the full range of Intellectual Property services from patent and trade mark protection and management to commercialisation and global enforcement and anti-counterfeiting programmes. Our European operation, based in London, is recognised as a leading niche IP practice and supports our international business. Where we work We  provide a global service with offices in Asia, Europe and the Middle East, as well as associated offices in India and Saudi Arabia, and a liaison office in Australia. We have also recently opened a new office in Myanmar. In countries where we do not have offices, we have an established network of local service providers with whom we have long-standing relationships. See where we work in detail How we work We have a wide range of experienced IP professionals, who work together, across all offices, as one integrated team. Our team includes lawyers, attorneys, and other specialist IP consultants, each with a high level of technical expertise, extensive industry experience and local know-how. The team integration across all offices and consequent breadth of experience, combined with access to specialist in-house investigators, often enables us to spot opportunities or risks that other firms may not, thereby helping our clients leverage and protect their valuable IP assets. See our people Read about services What sectors do we cover Who we work for Our clients include many of the world’s leading IP owners who understand that their IP strategy is crucial and should be closely integrated with their business strategy. We work in a collaborative way meaning we forge long and deep relationships with our clients. This means we really understand their business and are able to suggest new strategies or highlight benefits of which they can take advantage. “IP specialist Rouse supplies cradle-to-grave services through a combined squad of solicitors and patent attorneys. The firm is also optimally placed to cream off top-end work in the increasingly busy Asia market; longstanding presences in China and elsewhere in the region provide the London wing with a steady stream of instructions.” IAM Patent 1000, 2012, UK We are different because: We’re part of the specialist teams that help create and advise on new laws. Such is our reputation and status that we don’t just advise on the law, we help define it. We are regularly asked to work with IP organisations to shape and draft new laws such as Customs regulation and trade mark laws for emerging markets such as Myanmar as well as challenging existing laws such as lobbying for changes to the Copyright Act. We also sit on the panels that resolve IP disputes; we’re at the coal face of the IP world. We specialise in the most challenging business environments in the world. Rouse go where others have traditionally feared to tread and have being doing so for longer than many others. We have long-standing experience and relationships in Asia, India and the Middle East because this is where our clients need us to be. These teams are our staff and our offices and work as one integrated team. We have also recently opened a new office in Myanmar. We’re more than just a law firm. Rouse do not fit comfortably into the traditional client/lawyer model and consider ourselves different. From the start we wanted to model Rouse on the roles and responsibilities of in-house Counsel so that our objectives and those of our clients are one and the same. We are a specialist IP consultancy employing a range of experts including IP investigators. This means we have an experienced and professional team with all the skills you need to work as an extension of yours. We’re nice people to do business with. We really are a different kind of firm. We’re non-hierarchical, creative and results-oriented. We focus on getting to know our clients well, working collaboratively with them and focusing on practical results. We build strong and long relationships with our staff and clients. On average our staff have worked with us for over 12 years and our key clients for even longer. We care passionately about the communities in which we operate. We actively support the local communities in which we operate and drive initiatives such as the BioEconomy Academy to help protect the natural resources of developing countries, IP Ambassadors to bring young people into the law that might not have had the chance otherwise and Rouse Cares, which aims to improve the lives of others through sustainable initiatives. We don’t just talk about it or do it to add weight to our pitches. We do it because we care. The vision on which our business was founded is still important today: We put the client first We provide value for money We take a cutting edge approach We are experts in both 'know how' and 'know who' We have a 'can do' attitude “They have proven themselves in terms of service, responsiveness and client satisfaction.” Chambers Asia Pacific 2013, Indonesia . Our values 1 We carry out our duties and obligations to the best of our abilities and highest standards. 2 We work together and support the individual as well as the greater good. 3 We behave courteously and with good humour. 4 We respect and acknowledge our colleagues' contributions. 5 We work hard in the pursuit of excellence and in the best interests of everyone.


About us Rouse is a leading global IP consultancy that provides the full range of Intellectual Property services from patent and trade mark protection and management to commercialisation and global enforcement and anti-counterfeiting programmes. Our European operation, based in London, is recognised as a leading niche IP practice and supports our international business. Where we work  provide a global service with offices in Asia, Europe and the Middle East, as well as associated offices in India and Saudi Arabia, and a liaison office in Australia. We have also recently opened a new office in Myanmar. In countries where we do not have offices, we have an established network of local service providers with whom we have long-standing relationships. See where we work in detail How we work We have a wide range of experienced IP professionals, who work together, across all offices, as one integrated team. Our team includes lawyers, attorneys, and other specialist IP consultants, each with a high level of technical expertise, extensive industry experience and local know-how. The team integration across all offices and consequent breadth of experience, combined with access to specialist in-house investigators, often enables us to spot opportunities or risks that other firms may not, thereby helping our clients leverage and protect their valuable IP assets. See our people Read about services What sectors do we cover Who we work for Our clients include many of the world’s leading IP owners who understand that their IP strategy is crucial and should be closely integrated with their business strategy. We work in a collaborative way meaning we forge long and deep relationships with our clients. This means we really understand their business and are able to suggest new strategies or highlight benefits of which they can take advantage. “IP specialist Rouse supplies cradle-to-grave services through a combined squad of solicitors and patent attorneys. The firm is also optimally placed to cream off top-end work in the increasingly busy Asia market; longstanding presences in China and elsewhere in the region provide the London wing with a steady stream of instructions.” IAM Patent 1000, 2012, UK We are different because: We’re part of the specialist teams that help create and advise on new laws. Such is our reputation and status that we don’t just advise on the law, we help define it. We are regularly asked to work with IP organisations to shape and draft new laws such as Customs regulation and trade mark laws for emerging markets such as Myanmar as well as challenging existing laws such as lobbying for changes to the Copyright Act. We also sit on the panels that resolve IP disputes; we’re at the coal face of the IP world. We specialise in the most challenging business environments in the world. Rouse go where others have traditionally feared to tread and have being doing so for longer than many others. We have long-standing experience and relationships in Asia, India and the Middle East because this is where our clients need us to be. These teams are our staff and our offices and work as one integrated team. We have also recently opened a new office in Myanmar. We’re more than just a law firm. Rouse do not fit comfortably into the traditional client/lawyer model and consider ourselves different. From the start we wanted to model Rouse on the roles and responsibilities of in-house Counsel so that our objectives and those of our clients are one and the same. We are a specialist IP consultancy employing a range of experts including IP investigators. This means we have an experienced and professional team with all the skills you need to work as an extension of yours. We’re nice people to do business with. We really are a different kind of firm. We’re non-hierarchical, creative and results-oriented. We focus on getting to know our clients well, working collaboratively with them and focusing on practical results. We build strong and long relationships with our staff and clients. On average our staff have worked with us for over 12 years and our key clients for even longer. We care passionately about the communities in which we operate. We actively support the local communities in which we operate and drive initiatives such as the BioEconomy Academy to help protect the natural resources of developing countries, IP Ambassadors to bring young people into the law that might not have had the chance otherwise and Rouse Cares, which aims to improve the lives of others through sustainable initiatives. We don’t just talk about it or do it to add weight to our pitches. We do it because we care. The vision on which our business was founded is still important today: We put the client first We provide value for money We take a cutting edge approach We are experts in both 'know how' and 'know who' We have a 'can do' attitude “They have proven themselves in terms of service, responsiveness and client satisfaction.” Chambers Asia Pacific 2013, Indonesia . Our values 1 We carry out our duties and obligations to the best of our abilities and highest standards. 2 We work together and support the individual as well as the greater good. 3 We behave courteously and with good humour. 4 We respect and acknowledge our colleagues' contributions. 5 We work hard in the pursuit of excellence and in the best interests of everyone.



Contact our office in Beijing
  • Unit 1601 Central Tower
  • China Overseas Plaza
  • No.8 GuanghuaDongli
  • Jianguomenwai Avenue
  • Beijing
  • China
  • 100020
  • tel: +86 10 6569 3030
  • fax: +86 10 6569 3040
  • email: beijing@rouse.com
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本文来自于iprdaily,永久保存地址为http://www.iprdaily.cn/article_1344.html,发布时间为2014-06-06 14:43:56


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