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邓肯.2008年9月3日 如果你对知识产权事务感兴趣,以下摘要你应当阅读。 知财资本有限公司(PCT Capital LLC)首席执行官雷蒙德.米理恩和拐点策略创始人兼董事总经理罗恩·劳里(InflexionPoint Strategy, LLC)以《已有的和新兴的IP业务模式综述》为蓝本,简要摘编了已经成型的和正在兴起的知识产权商业模式,令人印象深刻。


你所看到下面的摘要是非常简略的(我真的要推荐你阅读更有深度全文:A summary of established and emerging IP business models。 十七种知识产权商业模式 一、正在兴起的四种商业模式 1.知识产权事务交流/交易平台。类似于纽交所和纳斯达克,无论是实体或或网络在线平台,促进知识产权交易交流,包括创建的基于知识产权的金融工具或类似股票的上市和交易。计划宣布创建交易交流( 2.防御性专利池。有选择地获取基于防守的专利组合。 3.技术/知识产权衍生融资。由传统风险投资(VC)或私募股权公司组织,专门从事较大科技公司面临困境的非核心知识产权衍生投资运作,或者创建大型技术公司之间的合资企业,以促进技术商业化和相关联知识产权货币化。 4.基于专利的公共股指。创建基于现有的软件工具和平台正式的股票指数。


二、已成型的十三种商业模式 1.专利许可和诉讼公司(PLECs)。拥有一个或多个专利组合,试图开展有目标的写信活动将其专利或组合许可出去;之后对那些拒绝接受拒绝进入非排他性专利许可者,提起专利侵权诉讼。




3.知识产权 /技术开发公司。从事研发活动和知识产权创造(包括专利和专有技术) 实体,看起来就像运营一个传统公司。然而,开发出的技术不是用于生产物质产品。












9.网上的知识产权/技术交流/票据交换。功能像B2B网站一样,使之成了1990′年代后期dot com繁荣期间的流行模式。











附原文 IntellectualProperty BusinessModels by Duncan onSeptember3, 2008 Here’ssomething that you really should read if you’re interestedin the business ofintellectual property. RaymondMillien (CEO of PCT Capital, LLC) and Ron Laurie(Co-founder and ManagingDirector of Inflexion Point Strategy, LLC) have puttogether an impressivesummary of current and emerging intellectual propertybusiness models over atVCExperts – Asummary of established andemerging IP business models As youcan see from the quick summary below (and I really dorecommend you read theentire article which has much more depth), it is verypatent-focussed. Whatbusiness models would you add to more fully take intoaccount business modelsfocussed on other types of IP? Emerging 1.    IP TransactionExchanges/Trading Platforms – plans have beenannounced to create traded exchanges (whetherphysical or onlinelocations) similar to the NYSE and NASDAQ where yet-to-becreated IP-basedfinancial instruments would be listed and traded much likestocks aretoday. 2.    Defensive Patent Pools – seek to selectively acquire portfolios of patents fordefensivereasons. 3.    Technology/IP SpinoutFinancing - organized as a traditional venture capital (VC)or privateequity firm, but specializing in spinning out promisingnon-core IP which hasbecome "stranded" within larger technologycompanies, or creatingjoint ventures between large technology companiesto commercialize thetechnology and monetize the associated IP. 4.    Patent-Based Public Stock Indexes – the creation of formalized stock indexes based on their existingsoftwaretools and platforms. Established 1.    Patent Licensing andEnforcement Companies (PLECs) – entities that ownone or more patent portfolios, attempt tolicense them though targetedletter-writing campaigns, and then file patentinfringement suits againstthose letter recipients who refuse to enter intonon-exclusive licenses. 2.    Institutional PatentAggregators/IP Acquisition Funds –entities that typically operate as general partners of alimitedpartnership and raise money either from large technology companies orfromthe capital markers. 3.    IP/Technology DevelopmentCompanies – entities that engage inR&D activities and produce IP(including both patents and know-how) muchlike traditional operatingcompanies; however, the developed technology is notused to manufactureproducts in the form of physical goods. 4.    Licensing Agents - entities that function as intermediaries by attempting toassistpatent owners in finding licensees. 5.    LitigationFinance/Investment Firms – entities that are a crossbetween IP Acquisition Funds andPLECs. 6.    Patent Brokers – entitiesthat function essentially the same as Licensing Agentmodel discussed above, butthat they seek to assist patent owners in findingbuyers rather than licensees. 7.    IP-Based M&A Advisory – entities that operate in a traditional investment bankingmodel –advising technology companies in their merger and acquisition(M&A)activities and earning fees based on the value of the entire deal(orapportioned according to the value of the IP within the deal). 8.    IP Auction Houses – entitiesthat are attempting to do for the patent marketplace whatfamed London auctionhouses Christie’s and Sotheby’s did for the antiqueand art marketplace. 9.    On-Line IP/TechnologyExchanges/Clearinghouse – entities that functionlike the business-to-business (B2B) websites that became the rage duringthe late 1990′sdot com boom. 10.IP-Backed Financiers – entities that provide financing for IP owners, either directlyoras intermediaries, usually in the form of loans (debt financing), wherethesecurity for the loan is either wholly or partially IP assets (i.e.,IPcollateralization). 11.Royalty StreamSecuritization Firms - entities that counsel,assist and/or provide capital to patentowners performing IPsecuritization financing transactions (which resemble themore commonmortgage-backed securities). 12.Patent Rating Software andServices - entities that provide advanced patent searchand analyticssoftware tools that allow patent owners, attorneys,investors and other playersin the IP marketplace to obtain variousintelligence and data points about asingle patent or patent portfolio. 13.University TechnologyTransfer Intermediaries - entities that function asIP Development Companies, IPAcquisition Funds, Licensing Agents and/orPatent Brokers, but focusing on theniche university technology transfer(i.e., licensing) market.











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本文来自于iprdaily,永久保存地址为http://www.iprdaily.cn/article_745.html,发布时间为2014-05-26 22:36:23


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